Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Cell Symbology Options




X scale for the selected cell. Set to -1 to use the current active scale at placement time.


Y scale for the selected cell. Set to -1 to use the current active scale at placement time.


Z scale for the selected cell. Set to -1 to use the current active scale at placement time.


The angle at which the cell should be placed.


Standard or Shared.


Name of the cell for a feature.


Cell library containing the cell.


If selected, the defined cell symbology will be overridden by the symbology defined for the feature.

Note: Text and cell scaling is handled differently when property data is edited.

Text is normally scaled to the size defined in the feature definition whenever a property edit operation takes place (subject to any PBS rules). If the administrator would like to allow the user to manually scale the text feature and have that scale maintained, then the ApplyScaleonEdit key should be defined for the feature. To add this key, right-click the Symbology node for the feature and select Add > Apply Scale on Edit. Leave the value unchecked, or off. In this way the scale of the feature will not automatically be reapplied when editing the feature.

Cells are normally not scaled to the size defined in the feature definition whenever a property edit operation takes place (subject to any PBS rules). If the administrator would like to maintain the scale for the feature, then the ApplyScaleonEdit key should be defined for the feature. To add this key, right-click the Symbology node for the feature and select Add > Apply Scale on Edit. Leave the value checked, or on. In this way the scale of the feature will automatically be reapplied when editing the feature.